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Federal rent assistance for millions of Americans comes to an end starting May 1, 2022. For many, the challenges of affordability and of having to start making payments that have increased exponentially since the start of the pandemic, are way beyond reach. So, what is going to happen?

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The three major credit bureaus, Experian®, Equifax®, and TransUnion® have marketed different credit monitoring tools to help you track the credit information in your credit report – as long as you pay something. But, why don’t the credit bureaus do it? It is their information. I’ll explain.


Over the last 15 years, the credit score has become a vital part of every consumer’s financial life. Good or bad, politicians have recently got more involved to have their impact on consumer’s credit scores. As one observer correctly pointed it out, those with higher credit ratings are losing out while those with lower credit scores are benefitting. Let's take a look.


Why would an active duty soldier or veteran pay almost $20,000 more than necessary on a mortgage? One mortgage company, NewDay USA, advertises that servicemen and women may want to add a pool for the grandkids, or consolidate some expenses. They advertise to those with VA benefits (soldiers and veterans) to utilize NewDay USA VA 100 Cash Out loan “…to help more veterans.” When a potential applicant looks at the numbers however, there are several costly red flags to what NewDay USA is proposing.