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More and more consumers are seeing that they have to exit Experian’s Boost program because it is lowering their FICO credit scores? Why?


When shopping for a home, your realtor will tell you to go get qualified. This could be a mistake, depending how long it takes you to find a house. Mortgage loan officers never discuss this with new borrowers. But, it is something that can come back and cost you a lot of money.

The price of automobiles over the last 18 months has skyrocketed – some over 50% in value – with the slowdown in auto manufacturing along with some other factors. However, a change is happening that could bring a lot of cars on the market. With a slowing economy, that could mean more opportunities for consumers looking to purchase a new auto.

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As the Federal Reserve raises its interest rates, the impact to the rest of the economy is yet to be determined. However, one area that will have a profound impact is the national debt at $30.5 trillion. The cost of borrowing money will become much more expensive. It is not just the increasing cost of personal borrowing that is impacted, but also the future impact on other programs such as Social Security and Medicare.


Nicolas Vega, a business reporter at CNBC, misled thousands of consumers by his recent article that credit utilization ratio makes up 30% of your FICO® credit scores. His statements are incorrect, inaccurate, and misleading. There are several other debt-related factors that have an impact on FICO credit scores.