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Too many “uninformed” loan officers have told thousands of homeowners and media that skipping your mortgage payment (from the coronavirus) will not impact your credit. The only basis for this statement comes from a few politicians and some loan officers who have said that since lenders will not report 30-day or more late payments to the credit bureaus, skipping payments will not lower your scores. They have little understanding about FICO Scores and no authority to speak for lenders. In his report, KUTV’s Michael Locklear (CBS - Salt Lake City, Utah) identifies the potential dangers from skipping your mortgage payments.

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During the Financial Crisis of 2008 and beyond, many homeowners found themselves upside down in their primary residence: they owed more on their mortgage than the value of their home. Lenders came up with a possible solution to offer consumers a loan modification. How did a modification impact their FICO® scores and their finances? There is something critically important to know before anyone goes down this path of skipping mortgage payments.