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When you cry “Fire”, you expect there is a fire. When you cry “Wolf”, you expect a predator is coming. The VantageScore created a major crisis this week that reached all the way to the White House. Unfortunately, there was no crisis, no fire, no wolf. It was all about nothing. This is a big one. Congratulations Vantage Score, you got millions of consumers excited and upset all about nothing. Nothing!


“We are doing what?” was the surprised response from a vice-president of a major credit card company. She had just discovered that her employer was providing a "consumer" credit score to their clients, while using a different "lender’s" FICO® score to approve the same company's credit cards. This vice-president wasn't even in the know. These two scores are always different. This "consumer score" creates mass confusion for all consumers when lenders use an entirely different (FICO) credit score for their credit card approvals.