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Brian had his rental lease coming up in just a few months but his FICO® score was only 550. He thought there was no chance to purchase a new home. This is his story.


My story is very similar to many others. I wanted to be able to own a home for me and my family. Honestly I had no Idea where to start other than needing to improve my credit score. I had credit card debt, student loans, medical debt in collections and late payments on some auto loans. I had some extra money but I didn't know where to start. I responded to a Facebook post. I discussed with the realtor that my credit score would be a hurdle to work through but that he knew a program that would help. 

I was introduced to My Credit Plan (MCP) and upon registering at a reasonable cost, we were able to see my actual credit scores, not the inflated ones provided by other systems. MCP also provided us with a plan. I was able to input how much money I had to work on improving my credit and it gave me actionable steps to take. Best of all, knowledgeable counselors were right there ready to help when I had questions. We settled some accounts and paid others down until we got to the auto loans. The extra money was gone by this point and MCP's  recommendation was to refinance them. By combining sound advice and hard work I was able to raise my credit score by 111 points in 3 months. 4 of those last points was enough to help me secure a lower interest rate for our new condo and saving us close to $200 a month. We are so grateful to MCP for making this all possible.


In total, Brian paid a total of $2,700 in debt reduction, refinance a couple of loans, and resolving a time share loan. He is saving $4,800 a year in monthly payments and he is spending less than $300 for the entire year for My Credit Plan. Brian says, "My investment will be paid back in a year" from his costs for My Credit Plan and what he paid down in debt.    

Even though results and savings vary, this is what My Credit Plan offers consumers. Many more solutions to improve your FICo scores.

To see what you can do to improve your FICO Scores, go to

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